Posts tagged spicy
Spicy Garlic & Crab Glass Noodles

I was binge watching the Netflix Series “Street Food Asia” and came across an episode that featured the remarkable chef JayFai of Bangkok where she was showcasing her world famous crab omelette. I immediately went to the store and purchased some jumbo crab meat. While I was at the store, I was struck with an idea to create a dish that could combine the aspects of the omelette into a dish with glass noodles. I was super hyped about the way that it turned out so I posted it on my IG. From there, I got a few requests to share the recipe so here it is!

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College Kimchi

Right before I left for college. My Korean mother ushered me into the kitchen to learn first hand how to make kimchi. Looking back, i'm always so touched by mother's gesture. Don't get me wrong, kimchi is by far one of my favorite side dishes. But being this was my first time away from home, it wasn't the first thing on my mind. But, at the time my Mom wanted to prepare me with a traditional dish that she knew would instantly comfort me. You see, I wasn't going to college a few hours away, or even half way across the country! I was going across the globe back to America where I had never really lived at past the age of 3! 

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