Posts tagged kimchi
College Kimchi

Right before I left for college. My Korean mother ushered me into the kitchen to learn first hand how to make kimchi. Looking back, i'm always so touched by mother's gesture. Don't get me wrong, kimchi is by far one of my favorite side dishes. But being this was my first time away from home, it wasn't the first thing on my mind. But, at the time my Mom wanted to prepare me with a traditional dish that she knew would instantly comfort me. You see, I wasn't going to college a few hours away, or even half way across the country! I was going across the globe back to America where I had never really lived at past the age of 3! 

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Creamy Grits with Sauteed Kimchi and Spicy Pork Belly Bowl

My mother refused to let food go to waste but she always cooked more than what we could eat. That’s a simple equation for leftovers, right? I’m sure many of you can relate to that. On the weekends, my mom would always prepare a traditional, hearty southern style breakfast. I would wake up to the sound of bacon crackling, sausage crisping and  the smell of eggs. The star on the menu was always a silent but warm dish...grits.

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